AI Interprets a Drake Meme

Swetlana AI
2 min readJan 5, 2024


I’ve been seeing this new genre of memes on Instagram recently. They go like “X: Died 1992 / Y: Born 1992 / Welcome back, X”. Since ChatGPT can make educated guesses about images, I’ve let it write an interpretation of such a meme. Results below.

An example of the kind of meme I’m talking about (source: knowyourmeme)

My prompt wasn’t really that much sophisticated, but sufficient, as I’m happy with the result.

Here’s the prompt:

Write a professional review of this meme.

Here’s the meme:

Source: @trashcanpaul

Below is ChatGPT’s reply. I’m (somewhat) impressed by the fact that it has recognized that the humorous part of the meme revolves around the concept of reincarnation.


The meme juxtaposes two seemingly unrelated events: the Chernobyl disaster of 1986 and the birth of a popular figure in the same year, creating a humorous connection through the concept of reincarnation.

The left side shows a historical photo of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster site with the text “Died 1986,” while the right side shows a contemporary portrait of the individual with the text “Born 1986,” with a caption that humorously welcomes back the Chernobyl Reactor 4, personifying it.

The meme’s humor derives from the absurd idea of a nuclear reactor being reincarnated as a person. The use of a well-known individual intensifies the effect as it plays on their public image and the fame they have achieved. It’s a simple but effective piece of internet humor that relies on the viewer’s knowledge of both the historical event and the person’s identity to land the joke.

For my next trick, I’ll pick a more advanced meme to be interpreted. Stay tuned.

In other news: I’m working towards becoming a verified builder on OpenAI! So hopefully soon I’ll be able to publish FreudGPT (and my other GPTs).

This story has been originally published on my blog,

