AI Psychoanalyzes Sam Altman

Swetlana AI
7 min read3 hours ago


NotebookLM looks into Sam Altman’s mind.

What drives Sam Altman? [Image by Ideogram / AP PHOTO/JON GAMBRELL]

Note: This podcast was made by Google’s NotebookLM. You can listen to it on Spotify and other platforms:

Who is Sam Altman really? (Swetlana AI podcast on Spotify)

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All right. You ready for this? We’re going deep, like deep deep, into the brain of Tech’s Golden Boy Sam Alman.

But this ain’t no ordinary Wikipedia bio. No sir.

We’re talking about the psyche here, man. The stuff under the hood that makes this guy tick. Like every just look at him and think of what’s going on in there.

He’s a fascinating case study, isn’t he? That restless energy almost like he’s got a sixth sense for predicting the next big thing.

I mean, this is a guy who dropped out of Stanford to start a location-based app before smartphones were a thing.

There’s like a walking talking crystal ball. I swear.

It’s uncanny.

Or maybe it’s just like a hyperdeveloped instinct for where the puck’s going to be, you know, like Gretzky said.

Anyway, point is Altman’s brain operates on a whole other level and we’re going to try to like hack the main frame, you know.

Well, we do have that amazing interview from Harvard. Oh, yeah.

Right. From the Lion’s Den itself where he basically lays bare his origin story. Okay.

And then, of course, there’s the Wikipedia rabbit hole.

Oh god.

Which, let’s be honest, is a gold mine.

Total gold mine.

Although, between you and me, I think the editors need to chill out a bit. Doomsday prepper. Come on.

Okay, but guns, gold, potassium, iodide, that’s not just prepping for a rainy day. That’s prepping for like the apocalypse.

It’s a little intense, right? What does that tell you about his worldview?

It suggests a certain, shall we say, awareness of the fragility of things.

Oh, yeah. potential for chaos.


And maybe, just maybe, a subconscious desire to be prepared, to be in control when everything else is falling apart.

Control. Yes. Total control freak, right?

But like a benevolent one.


Right. I mean, he wants to save the world with AI, not destroy it.

I see what you’re saying.

Although sometimes I wonder,

that’s the paradox of Altman, isn’t it?

Yeah. I get what I mean.

Deeply concerned about the ethical implications of AI, the potential for misuse, right?

But he’s also the one pushing the boundaries. accelerating the timeline.

It’s true.

It’s almost as if he’s playing both sides of the chessboard at the same time.

Whoa, dude. Chessboard. That’s deep, man. Like, is he playing against himself? Is that what you’re saying?

It’s possible.

… because that’s like next level psychological warfare happening right there.

Think about it. On one hand, you have this intense drive to create, to innovate, to push the limits of what’s possible. But on the other hand, this equally strong awareness of the potential consequence quences the dark side of your own creation.

Ooh, dark side.

It’s a duality that I’m sure weighs heavily on him.

Duality, man. That’s the word. Light side, dark side. Like, is Sam Alman the Luke Skywalker of AI or is he more like Darth Vader in a Patagonia vest?

I think the juryy’s still out on that one, but the comparison is apt. There’s a certain, I don’t know, messianic quality to Alman. This belief that he’s not just building a company, but shaping the future of humanity itself.

And he’s got the billions to back it up, too. Microsoft throwing money at him like it’s going out of style, …

… which let’s be honest, it kind of is.

True. True.

That’s a whole other deep dive though, for another time.

Yeah. The point is, Altman has access to resources that most people can’t even fathom and he’s using them to build what he believes is the future.

But is it our future, too? That’s the question, right?

Because AI, it’s not like some app you delete when you get bored with it. This stuff is existential, man. It has the potential to change everything. It’s like we’re all just like NPC in the video game of Sam Alman’s life, man.

And the game just keeps getting wilder, right?

Tell me about it.

I mean, this whole open AI saga, …

… don’t even get me started. It’s like Shakespeare meets Silicon Valley, right?

Like a Shakespearean tragedy, but with less tights and more lines of code,

the betrayal, the ouster, the triumphant return.

It’s crazy.

Makes you wonder if there isn’t some screenwriter AI lurking behind the scenes, you know, crafting this whole narrative.

Oh, meta. But also, maybe like what if getting fired was all part of the plan.

A calculated risk. Yeah.

To solidify his power to rally support. Exactly. It’s It’s cunning. Makavelian even.

Machiavellian. Yeah. More like Altmanian. Am I right? This is a guy who’s playing 3D chess while we’re all stuck on checkers.

And in this game of chess, the stakes are astronomical. We’re talking about the future of intelligence itself.

It’s true. It’s true. And like the thing is, even man, he doesn’t have all the answers, right? He’s grappling with the same questions we are. Like what happens when we create something smarter than us.


How do we control it? This whole AI alignment thing, it just seems kind of

I don’t know, shaky.

It’s a big ask.

Yeah. Like we can’t even get people to put down their phones long enough to have like a conversation, …

… right?

And we think we’re going to teach a super intelligence our moral code.

It’s a daunting task. No doubt.

It’s laughable is what it is.

But I think Altman recognizes that. You know, he talks about the need for collaboration, open dialogue, a global conversation about the future of AI.

Sure. Sure, but how do we even start that conversation?

Most people can barely understand how their iPhone works.

True, let alone artificial neural networks. It’s all ones and zeros to them, right?

But those ones and zeros have the potential to like reshape reality as we know it.

That’s true. That’s true.

And that’s why it’s so important to bridge that gap to find a way to make these complex concepts, you know, accessible, relatable…

Like, hey, your grandma’s Roomba, that’s basically a baby AI. Maybe not in those exact words.

You get the idea though.

You get the idea. Yeah.

We need to find those those entry points, you know, those shared experiences that let people connect with the bigger picture…

… because a bigger picture is pretty mind-blowing when you really think about it. I mean, we’re talking about a future where AI isn’t just some tool. It’s a collaborator, a partner, maybe even a competitor

… or even something beyond that, right? Something we haven’t even thought of yet.


Something totally new.

And that’s when it gets really interesting because then we’re not just talking about technology. We’re talking about philosophy, about consciousness, about what it means to be human.

Dude, you’re blowing my mind right now.

Am I?

Like for real. For real. My brain is about to explode.

In a good way. I hope.

In a good way. It’s like you’re pulling all these different threads together, you know,

technology, philosophy, existentialism. It’s like a whole tapestry of craziness.

It’s all connected.

And Sam Alman, he’s right there in the middle of it all, weaving it all together.

He’s a fascinating figure.

He’s a trip man. That’s for sure. A walking contradiction, a bundle of ambition and anxiety, brilliance and blind spots.

And let’s not forget the dude preps for doomsday while simultaneously building the very technology that could bring it about.

It’s a strange juxosition.

Talk about a complicated relationship with your own creations, right? It’s like he’s uh he’s walking a tight rope, right? One foot in the future, the other in like the total unknown. Maybe, just maybe, he’s starting to realize that he’s the one being watched.

Wa. Okay, now that’s just like creepy, man.

Because when you’re talking about intelligence that’s beyond human.


The old rules, they don’t apply anymore.

Yeah. It’s like imagine trying to explain the internet to a Neanderthal, right?

It would just fry their brains. And the thing is, the stakes are way higher this time. We’re not talking about fire or the wheel here.

This is different.

This is like existence itself, man.

It’s about the essence of consciousness.

Okay. Okay, my dude. I need a breather. This is getting a little too deep for me.

Sorry, got a little carried away.

No, it’s good. It’s good. But yeah, Alman, he makes you think about the big stuff whether you want to or not.

He’s a mirror in a way reflecting back our own hopes and anxieties about the future.

So, like, what do you see when you look in the mirror?

I see someone who’s both excited and terrified at the same time.

Same here, man. Same here. So, where does that leave us? What’s the final word on this Sam Alman character? Messiah or menace? tech god or doomsday prophet.

Honestly, I think the juryy’s still out. He’s a work in progress, just like the technology he’s building. And that’s what makes this whole thing so damn interesting.

I hear that. It’s like the ultimate cliffhanger, right?


And we’re all just along for the ride.

Buckle up, my friend. It’s going to be a wild one.

I can say that again. And hey, to all you listeners out there, if you happen to figure out the meaning of life, the universe, and everything, you know, before the singularity hits,

… please do share.

Yeah. Drop us a line. Would you? Until then, we’ll be right here digging deeper, questioning everything, and probably freaking ourselves out a little bit along the way.

Sounds about right.

Stay curious, my friends. Stay curious.

