My Newest AI-Generated Songs Are Absolute Bangers
Let me show you some of them.
So after a break from all things AI I’m now back, with some catchy tunes.
Some key facts first:
- I’ve been using Suno to generate the songs.
- The lyrics are partly real comments by real people, partly generated by ChatGPT, partly by Suno itself (yes, it is capable of generating nice lyrics).
- I’ve used various AI tools for the visuals, starting with the thumbnail, and including the footage shown in the music videos. Some of the tools are:, Pika Labs, and Luma Labs.
- I’m having so much fun doing this.
Take a look at the songs and let me know what you think.
Ramen Song
This is the first song I’ve made. I’ve used part of an actually existing recipe as lyrics for this one.
As you probably know the vast majority of recipes start with a looong description of the author’s life story, how they were living in a dorm back in the day and so on.
In this masterpiece I’m honoring the backstory, rather than the recipe itself.
Beware, watching it might make you hungry.
Introvert Song
For this one, I’ve used only AI-generated video footage, so the general vibe of it is a bit glitchy and uncanny. But I love it anyway.
In this case the lyrics were written by ChatGPT based on a text I’ve provided. The text was from my own book (personality theory etc.).
This song is kind of solemn, with a nice bridge and overall structure.
Empath Song
Now this one could be understood by people who take the concept “empath” seriously, and the ones who don’t.
For the lyrics part I took some comments I’ve encountered on Threads. A person was asking something about being “highly vibrational”, which had caught my caffeinated attention at that specific moment.
What do you think? Do you make such music yourself? I’d love to hear what you have to say below in the comments.